start in die festivalsaison 2005
andrea & steffen & oli
the prodigy: action radar
apocalyptica,him,rasmus: bitter sweet
adam green: baby's gonna die tonight
secret machines: marconi's radio
garbage: queer
sonic youth: kool thing
iron maiden: back in the village
r.e.m.: the one i love
slayer: raining blood
billy idol: flesh for fantasy
stereo total: supercool
tocotronic: das böse buch
feist: one evening
broken social scene: shampoo suicide
new order: 60 miles an hour
fantömas: 05-04-10
...trail of dead: heart in the hand of the matter
2raumwohnung: 2 von millionen von sternen
nine inch nails: fragile
dinosaur jr.: in a jar
robocop kraus: the telephone rings
steve hackett: star of sirius
supersonnig: engel
the mars volta: cygnus... vismund cygnus