Harakiri-Team vom 22.2.2002
Bullet Lavolta - Birth of DeathSmiths - Cemetery GatesRamones - Pet CemeteryL 7 - MonsterThe Nether-Carols - neý: the wrath of zoggs/baseman's simplexGod Bullies - Let's go to HellNora Orlandi - Das Gesicht im DunkelnBlack Sabbath - Sabbath, bloody SabbathThe Cramps - Human FlySV Atemgold 09 - Der Bäse-Brut-MarschHula - PsychoAndre Williams - Soul Brother in Heaven and HellHim - BeautifulThe Fraks - IncumbusThe Rocky Horror Picture Show - Touch-a Touch-a Touch meGascoigne -The Voodoopriest69 Eyes - Velvet TouchCasiotone for the painfully alone - Die Zugfahrt, die unsere Beziehung kaputtgemacht hatMotörpussy - Evil Night DriveMädels No Mädels - Execution WallDwarves - SatanRoky Erickson - Night of the VampireAlien Sex Fiend - Dead and BuriedKlaus Kinski - Der Totentanz (Goethe)Fantomas - Rosemary's BabyOne Way Streets - Jack the RipperDie Monster Die - SwallowFu Manchu - Cyclone LaunchDead City Radio - Voll in den MannBig Black - KeroseneMarilyn Manson - The NobodiesINXS - Suicide Blonde