Music to watch Girls by - Seltsame Liedermacher, alte Helden und viele Coverversionen, 23.7.2004
LIFT - Arne Braun
Dr. Calypso: Music to watch Girls by
Spearmint: The beautiful Things
Clinic: August
Archie Bronson Outfit: Changin'
The Cure: Taking off
Lene Lovich: Lucky Number
Jonathan Richman; He gave us the Wine to taste
Beep Beep: Electronic Wolves
The Good Life: Lover need Lawyers
The Faint: I Disappear
Von Spar: Die uneingeschränkte Freiheit der privaten Initiative
Samba: Komm davon
Kante: Im Innern der Stadt
Cobra Killer: Ledercouch
Earl Zinger: Who killed Saturday Night
Arrested Development: A lotta things to go
Big Daddy: Like a Virgin
Madonna: Like a Virgin
Rob Smith: Kung Fu Fighting
Apple Gabriel (Israel Vibration): The Times they are A-Changin'
Hayseed Dixie: Whole lotta Rosie
Cowboy Kollektiv: Geht ein Ruck
Siggi Stern: Raus in den Regen
Stefan Sulke: Der Mann aus Russland
Jona: Auf dem Balkon
Tom Liwa: Traumdeuter
Adriano Lanzi & Omar Sodano: Russ Meyer
AGF: Regional Distinctions
The Thermals: How we know
The Hives: A little more for little you
The Radio Dept.: Where damage isn't already done
Kante: Zombi